About Me float: none;


When I was a little girl, my brothers and I spent a lot of time with our grandparents who owned this beautiful greenhouse and garden full of the most incredible exotic plants and flowers. It was like a majestic, botanical wonderland. My grandparents believed in the power of plants and their healing properties and would use all kinds in foods and remedies to assist with their health and wellbeing. I didn't understand this at the time but all I knew is that I enjoyed picking leaves and flowers to watch my grandmother grind them down to become something of a tincture, tea or perfume. I remember the smells. In fact, when I first started experimenting with Neroli oil in my adult years, my eyes filled up as I was transported back to my grandmothers dressing table all those many years ago. Such memories I will cherish.

25 years later and there is a a niggle inside me that is calling me back to these roots where nature is everything. The roots where plant therapy and healing is powerful. The niggle has always been there,  but became predominant when I found out I was pregnant. All of a sudden, I wanted my seedling to be raised in a home where nature played a huge part in her every day.


Side story; as I have mentioned previously, over the years I have suffered with anxiety and Nature was one of the only things that kept me grounded. The ocean, the mountains (in Cyprus where my family are originally from and I visit often), the forest, all these places I started to notice made me feel at peace. And it dawned on me some years back. Nature, in one way or another, has always had my back. Whether it was 7 year old me at my grandparents house drinking aniseed and camomile tea for my upset stomach, whether it was the feeling of peace laying in their bountiful garden, whether it was the stillness of the forest when I needed to get out for a walk to keep stress levels down, or a walk to the beach to be at one with my thoughts, the bottom line is, nature has always been there for me.

Starting the Moonchild Apothecary was an easy decision for me.  It combined my love for nature,  fuelled my creativity (which up until that point I channelled in many different ways), nurtured my own mental health, and along with my unborn child, gave me a purpose. Coupled with the love I've had for crystals since I found some in my late Godmothers jewellery box she left me when she passed, it all just came together and made sense. 

And so with that being said, I feel like we need to take notice of the beauty mother earth provides us with and my aim is to be that portal for you.  There are so many ways to heal using the Earth's resources and beauty. It can be from something as simple as walking through a park, to submerging into ice cold water, to growing your own veg,  or even climbing a tree.  

Meanwhile,  I'll be here,  providing you with aromatherapy goods, that will enhance your state of mind and nourish your soul. 

I hope you enjoy the ride.

With so much love and light

Christianna x